Client Stories

Find out how we’ve helped clients like you achieve their college, career, and life goals.

"Scott is a role model" - Thomas Gilkey (Student)

When I was at Thames Academy, I was extremely unsure and uncomfortable about going to Mitchell College because it just didn’t seem like the right fit for me. When it came time for my interview for Mitchell College I thankfully had my interview with Scott Garbini. I’m pretty sure that if I had it with anyone else I would have been more nervous and unsure. 

Scott gave me information about Mitchell College that made me feel comfortable about going there, he helped ease my nerves and encouraged, and guided me throughout the process of admissions and beyond. Also, I am a bisexual individual and think it is really hard to function in life especially if you are part of the LGBT community because of all of the hatred and dislike in society. Scott being openly gay and married has given me comfort and confidence to know that it is possible to get a good job and have a good life and not be tormented by what people say or think. And in that way I view Scott as a role model. Also there have been times where I have been really stressed out and Scott is always there to lend an ear to which is incredible.

"Scott is a breath of fresh air" - Natascha Faye Saunders, MBA, MS (Colleague)

Scott Garbini stays on the cutting edge of admissions, career services, and academic affairs resources that help to propel students forward and keeps parents informed. With a warm personality, confident demeanor, and strategic relationships – I highly recommend the services of his firm for individuals, families, and institutions.

"Scott helped my son grow as an individual" - Mark A. Balaban, Esq. (Parent)

I recommend Scott Garbini to any parent of a future college student. Mr. Garbini’s efforts helped my son graduate from college and find gainful employment, neither of which would have been possible without the tireless efforts of Mr. Garbini, my son’s life coach and mentor. Mr. Garbini assisted my son through a number of difficulties relating to his schoolwork, social life, and relationships, and took the time necessary to help him achieve positive outcomes – and helped him grow as an individual.


Furthermore, Mr. Garbini could be counted on to open his home and his heart to my son at any time upon a moment’s notice. My son developed as a student and a young man under Mr. Garbini’s guidance and I am greatly thankful for his work.

"Highly Recommended. 5-Stars!" - Josh Harlow (Student)

Scott helped me find the right college fit for me; when I first walked into his office to meet with him, he was approachable, informative, and instantly began working to fit me in and connect with colleges that I would succeed at. He worked at my own pace and was there for me every step of the way. Scott went above and beyond, helping me with resume-building, application-construction, and became not only my life coach but a close and trusted friend I know I can always go to. Highly Recommended. 5-Stars

"Scott is a breath of fresh air" - Pattyann Zotz (Parent)

Many years ago, we were deep in the process of helping our twins find the “right” place for their post High School choice. Both girls have learning differences but more impacting is their extreme social anxiety. Where could they go that would support their academic journey as well as their need for acceptance and patience in their steps into the larger world? More importantly, how will they show what they are capable of if interviewing is a huge hurdle for them? This process was exhausting and often disappointing until we met Scott Garbini. Before actually meeting Scott, he spent many hours on the phone guiding us through the process of the pre-college program (prep school) we were looking at. His patience and guidance was the first “breath of fresh air” we had experienced in a long time – finally someone who understood our daughter’s challenges! 

But the real truth was to come as we drove our twins to meet with Scott and view the school. After arriving, they refused to get out of the car – their anxiety took over and nothing we could say or do helped. We were convinced this was the end of their chances of being accepted into this school. We went into the building to tell Scott the bad news. His reaction changed their lives! “No problem, I will just go out to them!”, was his answer. Scott not only went out the car to greet them but he got INTO the car. He shared his own struggles with school and anxiety with them – they immediately saw in him a person they could trust. The twins exited the car with him and after a tour and interview they were accepted into the school. That was the beginning of a new life for our girls and we owe it all to Scott. Scott’s ability to see through students’ differences and see their true potential is a gift he is sharing with the world. We are so grateful that we got to benefit from his gifts!

"He takes deep care to ensure that his client needs are met" - Joseph DiMaggio (Colleague)

Scott is a highly organized professional, with excellent communication and client management skills. He takes deep care to ensure that his client needs are met thoroughly and effectively; even when out of town he always makes himself available no matter what the hour. He is highly adept in his work and knows perfectly how to attain the highest levels of excellence in his students.